
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Agrimonia eupatoria Agrimony

Widely found in Europe, western Asia, and northern Africa, agrimony has been used as a medicinal
herb since ancient times. Originally used for eye problems and diarrhea or dysentery, it later
became a favorite wound herb on the battlefield, and is used today for urinary disorders and
poor digestion. A related Chinese variety, Agrimonia pilosa, is used in similar ways in East Asia.

The yellow flowers produce bristly fruitswith spiny burs in autumn
The distinctive yellow flower racemes can be easily spotted in damp
hedges and ditches in summer.

Both the downy leavesand flowers are used for digestive or urinary
problems, and as a wound herb.

PARTS USED Aerial parts 

MAIN CONSTITUENTS Tannins,coumarins, volatile oil, flavonoids,
minerals (incl. silica), vitamins B and K.
ACTIONS Astringent, diuretic, tissue healer, hemostatic, cholagogue, tonic,
vulnerary, some antiviral activity reported.


INFUSION Drink 1 cup (1–2 tsp herb per cup of boiling water) 3 times daily to
improve sluggish digestion or to help strengthen the digestive system in cases
of food intolerance. Agrimony is an ideal herb for children with diarrhea (consult
a herbalist for children’s dosage, and can also be taken by nursing mothers
to dose babies.

LOTION Use a standard infusion to bathe cuts, scrapes, skin sores, weeping
eczema, and varicose ulcers. It can be applied several times daily.

GARGLE Use 1 cup of above infusion as a gargle for hoarseness, sore throats,
and laryngitis.

TINCTURE Take 20–80 drops (1–4ml) 3 times daily for cystitis, urinary infections,
or incontinence. For severe or persistent urinary symptoms, seek urgent medical
advice to avoid potential kidney damage.


GROW Prefers damp, fertile soil, and will tolerate partial shade or full sun. Sow the
seeds in a cold frame in autumn or spring and transplant them when they are large
enough to handle.

FORAGE Commonly found on wasteland or in damp hedges. It is easily noticeable
because of its tall bright yellow flower spikes. Gather the whole aerial parts

in summer.

HARVEST Gather in summer while
in flower.

CAUTION This astringent herb is
best avoided if constipated.

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