
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Lady’s mantle Fertility and contraception

As its name suggests, lady’s mantle has a long tradition of gynecological uses and has been
a remedy for menstrual irregularities, heavy menstrual bleeding, and to ease childbirth. The
plant originated in northern Europe and mountainous regions further south. In recent years
it has become a popular garden plant highly valued by flower arrangers for its flower stems.

Dense clusters of tiny flowers appear in late spring and early summer and can be harvested
with the leaves

The lobed leaves were thought to resemble a traditional woman’s shawl or mantle,
hence the name.

The tall flower stems develop from a basal rosette of leaves.

Aerial parts
MAIN CONSTITUENTS Tannins, salicylic acid, saponins, phytosterols, volatile oil,
bitter principle.
ACTIONS Astringent, menstrual regulator,digestive tonic, anti-inflammatory,
wound herb


INFUSION Drink 1 cup (2 tsp herb per cup of boiling water) up to 5 times a day for
acute diarrhea or gastroenteritis, or to ease heavy menstrual bleeding or period pain.

TINCTURE Take 20–40 drops (1–2ml) 3 times daily to help regulate the menstrual
cycle or, if combined with the same quantity of St. John’s wort, to ease period pains.

Use the infusionabove externally as a wash to bathe
weeping eczema or skin sores.

GARGLE 1 cup of above infusion can be used as a gargle for sore throats, laryngitis,
or as a mouthwash for mouth ulcers.

CREAM/OINTMENT/PESSARIES Apply night and morning for vaginal discharges
or itching. Insert 1 pessary at night. If symptoms do not improve in 2–3 days, seek
medical advice.


GROW A hardy, clump-forming perennial,lady’s mantle prefers moist, well-drained
soil in full sun or dappled shade. The round, finely toothed leaves can have up
to 11 distinct lobes. It can be grown from seed sown directly in spring or by division
in spring or summer. Lady’s mantle will self-seed enthusiastically.

FORAGE Found throughout northern Europe and the mountainous regions of
central and southern Europe. It can also be found self-seeding outside gardens in
other areas throughout the summer.

HARVEST Gather the whole aerial parts throughout the summer.

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