
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Aloe vera

Native to tropical Africa, where it has been used as an antidote to poison arrow wounds, aloe vera
reached Europe in ancient times and was well known to the Greeks and Romans as a wound
herb. The sap is cooling and healing and for centuries has been used to treat burns, inflammation,
and skin ulcers, while the whole leaf is purgative. Internal use is restricted in some countries.

The leaves are thick, spiky,and grey-green in color;red spots sometimes
appear on young leaves The gel contained in the fleshy leaves is antibacterial to both
Staphylococcus aureus and several species of Streptococcus.

PARTS USED Leaves, gel
MAIN CONSTITUENTS Anthraquinone glycosides (incl. aloin and aloe-emodin),
resins, polysaccharides, sterols, saponins, chromones.

ACTIONS Purgative, cholagogue, wound healer, tonic, demulcent, antibacterial,
antifungal, styptic, sedative, anthelmintic.


FRESH GEL Split open a leaf and use the gel directly, or scrape it out with a blunt
knife. Apply directly to burns, sunburn, dry skin, wounds, fungal infections, diaper rash,
shingles, ringworm, insect bites, allergic rashes, eczema, or any itchy skin condition.

TINCTURE Made from the whole pulped leaf. Take 1 tsp (5ml) 3 times daily for
constipation or take 10–60 drops (0.5–3ml)3 times daily for poor appetite or to
stimulate bile flow in sluggish digestion.

Commercially made from powdered leaf. Use in 100–500mg doses
for constipation.

HAIR RINSE Combine 2 tsp (10ml) of gel with 1⁄2 cup of standard chamomile
infusion (p342) and use as a conditioner.


GROW Prefers well-drained sandy soil in full sun with a moderate summer water
supply and dry winters. Usually propagated by breaking off and replanting the small
offsets that appear on mature plants, but can be grown from seeds sown in spring
or early summer at 70°F (21°C). Grown as a houseplant in temperate areas; benefits
from being kept outside in warm summers.

FORAGE Likely to be found growing wild in tropical regions only. Easily confused with
many related, generally larger, species that grow outside in warmer regions.

HARVEST Collect the gel and leaves from plants as required throughout the year.

CAUTION Do not take aloe vera internally during pregnancy.

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